Friday, August 6, 2010

Is He Teething ALREADY?!?!

Kaleb's not even four months old yet but i think he may be entering the teething phase already! He NEVER used to drool--at all--but now he drools regularly, sucks on his hand and arm, hasn't had as big of an appetite for the past couple of days, has been EXTRA cranky lately and especially cranky alllllllll day today, and finally, his mouth looks like this... What do you think and more importantly, WHAT DO I DOOOOO???

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Little Boo Boo

It's been a while since i just did a little montage of the latest pics of my little boo (as "Mama Y" so affectionately calls him) so here it is...

Speaking of Mama Y...she wanted to make sure that her Little Boo has the BEST of the BEST! So when it came to choosing a crib, she and Papa D got him a 100% organic, eco-friendly, non-chemical, etc. etc. CRIB. Everything in it, from the sheets to the mattress to the COILS in the mattress follow suit...and he absolutely LOVES it!

It's taken a while for Kaleb to get used to his Daddy's big muscular slightly harsher handling but he loves him all the same...just not as much as his mommy ;-)

LOOK AT THIS FACE!!! What more can i say?!?! Kisses all day long...

Getting chunkier and chunkier by the day.

He sleeps like a little angel...or a little lamb when he's in his swing!

Flying through the air it's...SUPER BABYYYYY!!!

Kaleb and I took a much needed trip to DC in June. He met tons of family, most of whom for the first time. And we even celebrated Trav's first Father's Day when he came up for the weekend. When Auntie Chelsey and I missed our plane back to Charlotte, we decided to take advantage of the extra time and relax at the neighbors' pool...AHHHH!!!!

Post bath in his Winnie the Pooh towel...pure cuteness!

He LOVES bath time!

Awww...look at my guys snuggling!

He's not too fond of his car seat so he thinks by shooting me this little face he's going to be taken out every time. Hmmm...

"i guess she's not buying it!"

LOL! Trav woke him up and this is what he got.

My poor baby got his immunizations and was cranky the whole rest of the day. Broke my heart!

My chunky-cheeked little muffin loves his new hat!

Close up!

I was changing his diaper, he sprayed me, and this is the look i got lol.

His head shape has definitely smoothed out since birth!

Who're you yelling at, little man?!?!


We like to rub our little feetsies together.

Smiley baby!

Sometimes a close-up is a little too close.

NEKKY Baby!!!!

We LOOOOVE to snuggle. And u know what they say, we're around each other so much i guess we start to act the same. I LOVE YOU BOOGABOO!!!!!!